COVID19 - All you need to know

What is COVID19

COVID19 is provoked by Coronavirus, and is labelled as “new” because it's a replacement mutation of an old virus, which has much in common with the one that caused SARS: of course its technical name is SARS-CoV-2. Its main issue is that it causes pneumonia, which are some things that a lot of people have had in our life. The problem is that this hasn’t happened with all people together at the identical time. within the most severe cases, pneumonia requires assisted breathing through machines or using machines to oxigenate your blood - and these are limited.


More, the virus causing COVID19 is extremely virulent. meaning that it's easy to transmit from one person to a different, and therefore the most up-to-date data show that you simply might be positive to COVID19 and still show no adverse effects for a few days.

COVID19 virus

While previous observations associated with the chance of the virus to remain aerial and infecting others at a distance of over 5 meters, this study has been proved wrong: the safe distance has been confirmed by the World Health Organization to be 1 meter.

• How the virus of COVID19 is transmitted?

The virus is transmitted by bit or touching on tainted surfaces, and then, it gets into your body through your eyes, mouth or nose after you bit them along with your hands, that have scooped up virus from a surface.

Another way the virus is transmitted is through droplets - negligible drops supended in an aerosol within the air. This implies principally coughs and sneezes from someone who is having COVID. The droplets weight seems heavy, so that's why they settle to the bottom quite quickly: they are doing NOT keep suspended in mid-air.

This is why you're urged to carry a one meter distance from others after you out for anything, and if you're coughing it's best to try and do it covering your mouth along with your arm thus to avoid spreading the droplets around.

Preliminary studies have determined that the virus encompasses a half-life, turning into Fifty percent less aggressive, once spending two hours on copper, five hours on paper/cardboard, six hours on metal and seven hours on plastics, and turning into virtually inert once twenty four hours, even is RNA traces are often detected on completely different surfaces for many days.

• This is a chart is representating the essential differences between COVID, Cold and Flu. Take this as an indication and not a solid proof.

COVID19 vs flu

• What are the foremost common COVID19 symptoms?

They are terribly the same as respiratory disorder, or hay-fever - that may be a bitch, as we tend to be in Spring. However there some key variations.

1. In the beginning of the ill health COVID19 offers you a small fever (37.5 °C);

2. COVID19 doesn't typically offer you a liquid nose - the nose typically stays dry;

3. Later, COVID19 gets you a dry cough, and therefore begin the infection of your lungs, supplying you with its typical sensation of shortness of breath, which may become serious if you're full of the malady and need hospital care.

4. On a common fraction of the reported  cases, patients have told that they encountered knowledgeable alterations to their smell/taste. If you do, please contemplate consulting an MD as soon as possible.

Remember: These are the foremost COMMON symptoms. This doesn't exclude that they could vary from patient to patient.

In the majority of cases (80%), COVID19 victims don't need medical treatment, as a result of a healthy organism is sometimes enough to fight its effects alone. therein ten to twenty that needs treatment, just one case in six gets serious, needing respiratory help.

COVID19 becomes extremely problematic once it infects those that are already sick owing to different sicknesses, typically agitating a fast deteriorating of the general clinical conditions, and after all, is incredibly harmful for older age whose immunity system in low or less responsive.

• Is there a cure for COVID19?

As for now, there isn’t any specific cure. Patients are treated with a cocktail of medicines that are studied for each specific case.

Several groups worldwide are acting on a vaccine on a race against the clock. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared COVID19 a “pandemic”, therefore shortening the time required to develop vaccines - that unremarkably ought to be tested throughly initial on animals and then so on man before being administered. this implies that the primary COVID19 vaccines - that some groups in China and Israel claim to own developed - are experimental.

However, there are excellent, and countless folks within the world who are doing their researches as I'm typewriting here.

Prevention of COVID19

There are many medicines that are proving effective against the virus.

One doctor while returning from China and European country though: After some of the initial uses in China, a gaggle of researchers from the University of Naples have continued the experimentation with an existing drugs used against inflammatory disease, referred to as Tocilizumab that appears to be effective against the respiratory disorder caused by COVID19. it's been tested on severely sick patients full of respiratory disorder caused by COVID19, and also the results are very encouraging, with many of them considerably up their health in 24–36 hours from the administration. The experimental treatment is currently getting used conjointly in different hospitals in European country.

The company producing it, that is Roche, has declared that it might provide the drugs for free to the world hospitals requesting it throughout the COVID emergency.

This is a chart detailing with the critical differences between COVID, Cold and Flu. As usual, take it as an indication or prevention source and not a solid proof.

• What to try to do if you think that you think that you have got COVID19 symptoms?

Reach out And request to an MD what to try to do in your specific case. The procedures vary in each country, therefore I cannot tell you one thing valid for each country on the face of Earth. But there are some things that you just will do on your own, and you're urged to try to do so.

1. Avoid interactions with others. If do-able attempt to be at home and monitor your health perpetually, while not panicking, for a handful weeks. there's no requirement to panic - it's not the Zombie Apocalypse. Really. the primary is - avoid contact and crowds. Also avoid handshakes or hugs. don't keep getting ready for others. If you sneeze, cowl your mouth together with your arm or a tissue (not your hand) therefore to avoid spreading it around. The quarantine amount is required to be of a minimum of 2 weeks to nineteen days, if we tend to believe the newest news.

 2. If you have got to travel out to buy needy households, defend yourself at all by carrying a surgical mask. Yes, you have got it right. carrying a surgical mask avoids spreading the COVID19 virus around if you're infected. it's very very less effective for avoiding obtaining it (there are some ways of catching it, as we are going to see).

3. Wash your hands when you return to your home, and know, do it totally for one minute underneath heated or warm water with any soap. The COVID19 virus are often picked abreast of silver and plastic surfaces together with your hands (it stays active for many hours), and so may find itself in your organism after you rub your eyes. So, it's essential to clean your hands totally after you dawn, for a minimum of thirty seconds. you just simply need a regular soap - no real requirement of anything specific or special.

4. The virus attacks of preference the foremost straightforward targets: individuals with chronic diseases and existing problematic conditions (smokers, overweight, etc). Keep your body healthy, and you may have additional possibilities to fight with success against it. above all, there are a handful things that aren't resolutive, however facilitate (as follows).

5. Some observations states that the COVID19 virus - as all Corona-viruses, may be get influenced from heat. this implies that it might be sensible to drink hot tea or coffee, or simply just plain heated water, many times per day. because the virus propagates via your metastasis organs (nose and throat), keeping them wet and heat would facilitate your body fight against its infection. though this is often not tested on this virus (we have much more imperative things to try to to now), keeping well-hydrated would truly aid to your body.

6. Vitamin-C includes a healthy impact on your body, because it is one of the most important factors of the action of your blood. So, drink orange and lemon juice, probably freshly squeezed. it'll {do sensible|benefit|help|aid} to your body and it conjointly tastes good. Some observations tell that presumptuous C and D vitamins have helped to fight against the virus. we've no reasons to believe they're resolutive (and probably they're not), however keep in mind that being convinced you're doing one thing truly, which helps your body to fight it in additional effectively way against it.

7. Do not take medicines unless you are directed by your MD. Especially, don't take antibiotics, those are useless against the viruses.

8. As I actually have aforesaid on top of, check your physical conditions. an honest issue to try to do, every day, is taking during a deep breath of air within the lungs and retent it for as long as you can do. If you'll go as so much as 20/30 seconds or additional, you'll be fairly positive that you're ok - however as invariably, check an MD before trusting the words of a alien on the net.

9. One of the foremost effects of COVID is that it hampers the gas exchange within the lungs, therefore there's less oxygen current through your body - touching your brain. If you start to expertise an impairment of judgement, confusion, and difficulties of reasoning, think about contacting an MD as soon as possible. A handy method to monitor your mental conditions is to try to do one thing that you just would like concentration on, like online diversion, crosswords, you name it. Perform it every day, probably at an equivalent time throughout the day, therefore you'll have to check if your reasoning has been impaired somehow.

 Donations for Corona Relief Fund

Please, people: be rational. And think about others as well. If we all did it, COVID19 would not represent an issue at all.


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